In The Presence of God

Coram Deo

Preaching and loving on the lost, lonely and hurting people in rehabilitation facilities, prisons, jails and juvenile detention centers

Darkness Brings Light

Ministering the LOST

It is in the darkest moments that the light of the gospel often comes to those struggling in addiction and life. So many people today have no hope and can see no help on the horizon. Many have made choices in their lives that have lead them to darker places than they ever thought they would experience. For most of these men and women, the guilt and shame of those decisions and the fact that they are now incarcerated or in treatment of some kind, only drives these feelings deeper into their lives.

Gospel message of salvation

presence of Jesus

But it is in the presence of Jesus that freedom can happen and those that are struggling can have true victory. It is here that the very presence of Jesus wants to help these individuals overcome their past and conquer their greatest fears. Here the presence of Jesus will truly make these individuals a new creation and here they will be able to walk in the newness of life that can only come as Jesus begins to change their hearts.

Coram Deo Ministry

Pastor Mark Porter

My own story is one of being lost, struggling with addiction to drugs and alcohol for over twenty years of my life. I was in rehab nineteen times, in jail twenty-one times and incarcerated in prison three times. But it was on my way back to prison for the third time that the Lord Jesus invaded my life and gave me a new path, a new purpose and a new plan. I knew right away that I was to go and reach those who look just like I did and share the testimony of how Jesus rescued, redeemed and saved my life. And that is the Mission of Coram Deo Ministries.Discover the inspiring journey of Pastor Mark and his impact on the community:

Current and Future Plans

What We Do

  • Church service to most facilities we serve. Our message of hope and encouragement is accompanied by a worship team when we're allowed.

  • Provide bibles to anyone who wants one.

  • Conduct Bible studies as allowed, spending extended time praying and discipling. Focus on Henry Blackaby’s “Experiencing God” and Tony Evans bible study.

  • Homeless outreach and feedings in Ocean Beach and Downtown San Diego.

  • Provide clothing and snacks as we visit those who are coming from homelessness.

  • Sponsor men in treatment facilities financially as they show discipline in attending and finishing studies.

  • Serve as part time Chaplain at the Rescue mission, offering help a few hours a week on sight.

  • Visit local churches on Sunday mornings, sharing our mission and advising on how to best help parishioners dealing with addiction.

  • Partner with local churches to assist with homeless, addiction and rehabilitation ministries.

Where to Find Us

Where We Serve

  • Green Oaks Ranch (Christian Rehab, San Marcos): 1st Wednesday and 3rd Sunday

  • In His Steps (Christian Rehab, Ramona): 3rd Tuesday Chapel

  • San Diego Rescue Mission (Christian Rehab): 3rd Wednesday & Weekly Chaplaincy Visits

  • The Rivers Edge Ranch (Christian Rehab, Lucerne Valley: TBD

  • Donavan State Prison: TBD (Waiting for paperwork to go through)

  • Centinela State Prison: Beginning in July

  • Chula Vista Juvenile Detention Center: TBD

  • Men's Bible Study: Every Monday Evening OB1 Church


Join Us In Prayer

  • Pray God would continue to open new ministry doors to share His love and hope.

  • Pray as we put together ministry and leadership teams.

  • Pray for finances to fully fund this God sized ministry.

  • Pray that many lives would be touched, transformed and healed.

  • Pray for quick approval to go to more prisons and other institutions.

  • Pray for God’s anointing as we share the Gospel to the hopeless and helpless.

  • Pray God moves in our hearts as we chase His Spirit.


join Us Financially

  • We are in the works of getting our own 501c3 and need funding to aid and complete the process.

  • We are praying for 200 individuals to partner with us at $100 a month over the next 3 years.

  • We are praying for other churches to come along side our ministry to help fund/serve with us as we reach the lost.

  • We are looking for one time donors to help with ministry startup costs and help to launch us forward.

  • All donations are tax exempt and can be made by clicking below.

Let's Connect

Together We Can Do More

We strongly believe that the Lord has ordained us to reach the lost souls in these facilities and that our paths would intertwine to partner in this God sized endeavor. Reach out if you'd like to learn more about what we're doing and/or would like to start receiving our newsletter!

We'll be in touch soon

But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ - by grace you have been saved!

News Winter 2024

  • Pastor Porter continues to preach the gospel around San Diego County. The 1st video is from Green Oaks Ranch in November and the 2nd video is from the San Diego Rescue Mission in December.

  • As we close out 2024, we reflect on how God has moved powerfully through Coram Deo Ministry. With a mission to bring hope and restoration to those battling addiction and those within the prison system, Coram Deo is dedicated to reaching people beyond traditional church walls. Through the faithful leadership of Mark Porter and the support of a growing team, the ministry has seen lives transformed and hearts renewed by the Gospel.

  • Coram Deo continues to expand its impact, now sharing the Word of God with hundreds every month in addiction recovery facilities and prisons. This vital work is driven by the belief that no one is beyond the reach of God's love and redemption. With 2025 approaching, the ministry is preparing for exciting growth, including its full launch as a 501(c)(3), which will allow even greater opportunities to fulfill its calling.

  • We invite you to join us in this mission by supporting Coram Deo through prayer, volunteering, or a year-end financial gift. Every contribution directly impacts lives and helps us bring light into dark places. Visit to stay connected and learn more about how God is transforming lives through this ministry. Together, we can be part of His plan to bring healing and hope to those who need it most. Wishing blessings to you and your family ~ the Coram Deo Ministry team.

News Summer 2024

Pastor Mark Porter speaking about Coram Deo Ministry mission to preach the hope, help and love of Jesus to the hurting, hopeless and helpless in prisons and rehabilitation facilities. Photo from Community Church in Big Bear, California.
  • Coram Deo officially launched in March!! Summer is here and the ministry is in full swing. We have been speaking at rehabs weekly, a few churches on Sunday mornings, and it's looking like we'll be going to Donavon State Prison every other Sunday starting in late July!

  • Pastor Mark Porter has been preaching with an emphasis on the true character of Jesus as He dealt with outcasts in the various Gospel accounts in an attempt to show these men and women who Jesus is and how Jesus treated outcasts, and how he longs to meet with them today.

  • Please keep in prayer with us as we continue fundraising. We have made some adjustments to the budget to continue in ministry as we raise funds - we are at about 70% of our needed funds to continue at this pace.

  • We have decided to come under the District office of the C&MA as a ministry of the South Pacific District. Currently, our giving is still routed through Regeneration Church, but will switch to Coram Deo Ministry once our articles of incorporation are accepted (soon). The Coram Deo Ministry Elders have been selected and are looking forward to all the Lord is going to do in and through his ministry!

Statement of Faith

  • There is one God (Deut. 6:4), Creator of all things (Rev. 4:11), who is infinitely perfect (Matt. 5:48), existing eternally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:19).

  • Jesus Christ is the true God and true man (Phil. 2:6–11). He was sent by the Father (John 20:21), conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin, Mary (Luke 1:34–38). He died on the cross, the Just for the unjust (1 Pet. 3:18), as a substitutionary sacrifice (Heb. 2:9), and all who believe in Him are justified on the ground of His shed blood (Rom. 5:9). He rose from the dead according to the Scriptures (1 Cor. 15:3–4). He is now at the right hand of the Majesty on high as our great High Priest (Heb. 8:1). He will come again to establish His Kingdom of righteousness and peace (Isa. 9:6–7).

  • The Holy Spirit is a divine person (John 14:16–18), sent to indwell, guide, teach, gift, empower, and bear His fruit in every believer (John 16:13; 1 Cor. 12:4, 11; Acts 1:8; Gal. 5:22–23). He convicts the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment (John 16:7–11).

  • The Old and New Testaments, inerrant as originally given, were verbally inspired by God and are a complete revelation of His will for our salvation. They constitute the divine and only rule of Christian faith and practice (2 Pet. 1:20–21; 2 Tim. 3:15–17).

  • Man was originally created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:27): he fell through disobedience, incurring thereby both physical and spiritual death. All men are born with a sinful nature (Romans 3:23), are separated from the life of God, and can be saved only through the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:20–23). The portion of the impenitent and unbelieving is existence forever in conscious torment (Revelation 21:8); and that of the believer, in everlasting joy and bliss (Revelation 21:1–4).

  • Salvation has been provided through Jesus Christ for all people (1 John 2:2). Those who repent and believe in Him are justified by grace through faith (Rom. 3:21–24), born again of the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:4–7), delivered from the dominion of darkness, transferred into the Kingdom of God’s Son (Col. 1:13), granted the gift of eternal life, and adopted as the children of God (Rom. 8:14–16; John 1:12).

  • It is the will of God that each believer should be filled with the Holy Spirit and be sanctified wholly (1 Thessalonians 5:23), being separated from sin and the world and fully dedicated to the will of God, thereby receiving power for holy living and effective service (Acts 1:8). This is both a crisis and a progressive experience wrought in the life of the believer subsequent to conversion (Romans 6:1–14).

  • Provision is made in the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ for the healing of the whole person (Isa. 53:4–5; Matt. 8:16–17). Prayer for the sick and anointing with oil are taught in the Scriptures (James 5:13–16) as privileges for the Church in this present age (Acts 4:30).

  • The Church consists of all those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, are redeemed through His blood, and are born again of the Holy Spirit. Christ is the Head of the Body, the Church (Ephesians 1:22–23), which has been commissioned by Him to go into all the world as a witness, preaching the gospel to all nations (Matthew 28:19–20).

  • The local church is a body of believers in Christ who are joined together for the worship of God, for edification through the Word of God, for prayer, fellowship, the proclamation of the gospel, and observance of the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Acts 2:41–47).

  • There shall be a bodily resurrection of the just and of the unjust; for the former, a resurrection unto life (1 Corinthians 15:20–23); for the latter, a resurrection unto judgment (John 5:28–29).

  • The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is imminent (Hebrews 10:37) and will be personal, visible, and premillennial (Luke 21:27). This is the believer’s blessed hope and is a vital truth which is an incentive to holy living and faithful service (Titus 2:11–14).